★ last updated: 8/3/23

terms of service

✓ fanart
✓ custom designs
✓ slight gore

nsfw, extreme gore ✘
mecha ✘
furries, animals ✘


★ I can refuse any commission request for any reason.★ My signature is not to be erased or cropped out (though i will make an exception for commercial use) and you cannot claim my artwork as yours. I keep all the rights to my artwork.★ No refunds, unless I have not started on your commission or if I exceed the deadline.


★ I take payments through PayPal. You can either pay me upfront, or 50% before I start then 50% after the sketch.★ I accept USD or PHP only. (sometimes discord nitro)★ Commercial use will come with additional charges. I might also charge more depending on the character/prop complexity.


★ Please provide as many details about your commission as possible!★ You can always ask for progress pictures. Make sure to state any changes you want to be made before I finish the piece.★ Please note that the commission might take 1-2 days or weeks, depending on my schedule and your position on the queue. I will try to finish it on time if a deadline is set.★ I can send the finished piece through Discord or Email!

commission form

★ last updated: 7/20/22

price list

custom background :additional character(s) :

+ $5 or more+ $10-$30 (same canvas)
+ double the price (separate canvas)

b/w sketch


same price for icon, halfbody, and fullbody.

colored sketch

ICON $30

colored sketch v2


same price for icon, halfbody, and fullbody.

fully shaded

ICON $60




email: [email protected]

To commission me, you MUST message me before or after filling out the form I provided in the ToS.If you do not message me, I won’t likely be able to notice your form submission.I will try to respond to you as soon as possible!

my timezone : GMT+8


★ last updated: 7/20/22
★ arranged from latest to oldest

current queue

★ clients with near deadlines are prioritized

coolguymcthundercs v250%40%
Lorcs v2complete20%